
Canada's Startup Visa Assistance

How to secure a letter of support from a 

designated organization and establish 

your business in Canada 

Canada's Startup Visa Assistance

How to secure a letter of support from a designated organization and establish your business in Canada 

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Canada Startup Visa Program

The Canadian Start-Up Visa Program offers a gateway for innovative entrepreneurs to establish their businesses in Canada. It seeks individuals with groundbreaking business ideas that can create jobs and compete globally. If your venture secures support from a designated organization, you could be on your path to not only business success but also permanent residency in Canada. Discover more in-depth details below.

Disclaimer: LeanZiX does not engage in the practice of immigration law or offer immigration services. LeanZiX’s services are solely focused on business documentation and do not include legal opinions, legal advice, or any other form of immigration assistance.

A startup is a young company born out of a desire to solve a specific problem or bring a unique solution to market. It’s characterized by its innovation, scalability, and growth potential. 

A startup is a human institution designed to deliver a new product or service under extreme uncertainty.

The Canadian Startup Visa not only welcomes established entrepreneurs but is also a promising path for individuals with a few years of work experience, whether as self-employed professionals or employees. If you have a track record of business acumen, innovative thinking, and the skills to contribute to Canada’s dynamic economy, this program offers an excellent opportunity. It’s an ideal platform for those who may not yet have launched their own startup but possess the potential and the drive to develop a business idea that can create jobs and compete on a global stage. This program provides a unique chance for aspiring business leaders to turn their visions into reality, all while paving the way for permanent residency in one of the world’s most diverse and economically stable countries.

Innovative and Viable Business Proposition

Innovative and can create jobs for Canadians

Secured Support from Designated Canadian Entities

Obtain support from one of the designated groups: Angel investor, Venture capital fund, or Business incubators.

More Info

Ownership & Language Requirement

Candidate must hold at least 10% of the share of the business

Sufficient Financial Capability for Settlement 

Demonstrate possession of unencumbered, available, and transferable settlement funds
Bar chart displaying Canada Startup Visa Program approval rates from 2014 to 2020, highlighting an average 80% success rate.

Canada's Statrup Visa Approval Rates

From 2015 to 2020, the success rate for the Canada Startup Visa Program had its ups and downs. After hitting a high of 100% in 2016, there was a drop in 2017 with approvals at 64%. But since 2018, the rate has held steady at 80% each year. On average, about 80% of applications have been approved over these years. We at LeanZiX will update our info with new data from canada.ca as it comes out to keep you in the loop.

Stacked bar chart showing the nationality distribution of Canada Startup Visa applicants from 2014 to 2020, with varying percentages by country.

Global Interest in Canada's Startup Scene

The chart, "Canada Startup Visa Nationality Distribution," shows where applicants for Canada’s Startup Visa came from between 2014 and 2020. A mix of many countries, including China, Vietnam, India, and Iran, highlights Canada's pull as a hotspot for new businesses. The rise of applicants from Iran in 2020 and the strong presence of Vietnamese entrepreneurs in 2015 stand out. This information, gathered from canada.ca and IRCC, reflects the worldwide reach of Canada's entrepreneurial opportunities, brought to you by LeanZiX.

Designated organizations are business groups approved by the Canadian government to invest in or support possible startups. Their support is crucial as it validates the viability and potential of the applicant’s business idea. This support can be in the form of investment, mentorship, or acceptance into a business incubator program.

While your business idea doesn’t necessarily need to be a first-of-its-kind, it should be innovative and offer competitive value in the market. It should also meet the criteria set by the designated organizations.

The Startup Visa Program does not require your business to succeed. Once you are a permanent resident, your status is not dependent on the success of your business.

Yes, up to five people can apply as owners of a single business. However, each applicant must hold at least 10% of the voting rights in the business, and the designated organization and the applicants must jointly hold more than 50% of the voting rights.

Apart from the initial support from a designated organization, Canada offers a supportive ecosystem for startups, including access to additional funding, mentorship programs, and a network of fellow entrepreneurs and advisors.

Navigating the Canadian Startup Visa Journey with LeanZiX

LeanZiX is your steadfast partner on the journey to securing a Canadian Startup Visa and beyond. We’ve outlined a roadmap that not only leads to obtaining a letter of support from a designated organization but also encompasses comprehensive support for your business establishment. From the early requirements of business registration and brand development to the finer points of market entry, marketing strategies, digital presence, and product development, LeanZiX is committed to being by your side every step of the way.

Below, we’ve charted the milestones from initial exploration to securing the

Letter of Support

and applying for 

Work Permit Permanent Residency

From Idea to Endorsement with LeanZiX : The Canadian Startup Visa Timeline

Visual timeline outlining key steps in the Canadian Startup Visa process and getting the Letter of Support

Your next milestones for Canada's start-up visa:

Once the ‘Letter of Support’ is secured, the startup team can proceed to apply for Canadian Permanent Residency and an optional Work Permit.


  • The processing time for a Work Permit can range from a few months to more than 6 months, depending on the applicant’s country of origin.
  • The processing time for Permanent Residency is approximately 3 years. For more detailed information, please visit canada.ca.

The cost structure for the Startup Visa program is divided into four key phases. The first, the Startup Visa Journey Blueprint, encompasses initial expenses from business idea enhancement to developing a detailed business plan. The second phase, Designated Organization Endorsement & Services Fee, covers the costs of obtaining the necessary endorsement and services from a designated organization. 

The third phase, the Application Processing Fee, accounts for the expenses related to the Canadian immigration application process. Finally, the fourth phase, Innovative Product Realization and Market Integration, involves costs associated with developing prototype and your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) achieving product-market fit, and other crucial steps in product development and market entry. For a comprehensive breakdown of the costs associated with each phase, please take a look at the detailed information provided below.

Startup Visa Journey Blueprint

In this phase LeanZiX not only establishes a solid foundation for your venture in Canada but also offers cost-effective solutions. While a quick market search reveals that provider costs for this phase can range from $50k to over $200k for a team, at LeanZiX, we prioritize delivering high-quality services at very competitive prices. Understanding the diverse needs of our clients, we offer customized packages that significantly reduce the total cost, ensuring affordability without compromising on the value and effectiveness of our services. LeanZiX is committed to providing an efficient and economical pathway for your startup's success in the Startup Visa program.

Designated Organization Endorsement & Services

The second phase involves a crucial cost of $40K (CAD) per team. This covers the issuance of the Letter of Support for your Startup Visa application and access to essential incubator resources. These services include tailored seminars, workshops, expert advice, networking events, and potential discounts from preferred service providers. Additionally, you'll benefit from the use of designated business premises and, for Canada-based clients, hotdesk access. This phase equips you with the tools and connections vital for nurturing and expanding your startup in the Canadian ecosystem.

Application Processing Fee

The third phase pertains to the costs associated with the actual Canadian Startup Visa application. As per the fee list on canada.ca, these expenses range from over $CAN 2,000 to $CAN 5,000, varying based on the number of family members included in the applicant's application. Additionally, if you opt for the expertise of an immigration consultant to manage your application process, you should also consider their professional fees. This phase ensures that all the formalities related to your immigration process are handled efficiently, with costs reflective of the comprehensive nature of the service and the size of the applicant’s family.

Product Development & Market Integration 

In this phase, the journey within the Startup Visa Program extends beyond obtaining the letter of support and submitting the immigration application. This critical phase emphasizes the importance of actively developing your product and integrating it into the market. It's essential to demonstrate continuous progress in your startup's evolution. At LeanZiX, we understand that this stage is crucial for meeting the SUV program's requirements and for the overall success of your venture. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing you with the necessary guidance and support, ensuring that your startup not only adheres to the program's criteria but also achieves significant growth and market presence.

At LeanZiX, we pride ourselves on offering quality services at competitive prices. Our strategic use of resources for various business needs, including business idea development, business plan creation, and digital presence, allows for cost-effective solutions. This approach not only reduces prices but also ensures high-quality, integrated services. Our efficient operations enable us to pass savings directly to our clients, making our suite of services both top-tier and affordable. LeanZiX is committed to supporting startups from inception to market entry, focusing on value without financial strain. With us, entrepreneurs gain a partner dedicated to providing professional support that’s both accessible and budget-friendly.

Explore Eligibility for Startup Visa

Background & Resume Enhancement

Business Idea Development 

Market Research

Business Plan 

Due Diligence Documents Prepration 

DO Application Assistance

Business Pitching 

Interview Prepration &  Training 

Brand Identity Design 

Website Development 

Social Media Management 

Business Registration 

Business Email Setup

Office Address & Phone Number 

Product Development & Mrket Integration  

End-to-End Solutions:  Startup Visa Support and Business Setup with LeanZiX

LeanZiX offers end-to-end support for your Canadian Startup Visa journey, from eligibility assessment to business establishment. We assist in idea development, market research, business planning, and application submission, ensuring a smooth transition to launching and growing your business in Canada. With LeanZiX, your entrepreneurial vision is nurtured every step of the way.

Explore Eligibility

Begin your entrepreneurial journey by evaluating your eligibility for the Canadian Startup Visa Program. We'll guide you through the criteria, ensuring you meet the necessary requirements for a successful application.

Business Idea Development

Transform your innovative ideas into a solid business concept. If you don't have a specific idea in mind, we can help you seed potential ideas based on your background and interests. Our experts work closely with you to refine and develop these ideas, shaping them into a compelling and viable business plan.

Market Research

Gain a significant competitive edge through the power of in-depth market research. At LeanZiX, we're here to guide you through a comprehensive exploration of your target audience, competitive landscape, and evolving market trends to empower you to make well-informed decisions and strategic choices for your startup,

Business Plan

Create a robust business plan detailing your vision, strategies, and financial projections with our expert guidance. Our dedicated team helps you craft a customized roadmap that aligns precisely with your startup's unique requirements and goals.

Due Diligence Documents

Prepare the necessary due diligence documents to meet program requirements. We ensure all paperwork is meticulously organized and submitted accurately and on time.

Application Submission

Navigate the complexities of the application process with confidence. LeanZiX provides expert guidance, helping you compile and submit a complete and compelling application to the designated organization. Our goal is to make the journey from the initial idea to securing the letter of support a smooth and successful one.

Business Pitching

Refine your presentation skills and craft a compelling business pitch that leaves a lasting impression on designated organizations. At LeanZiX, we go beyond mere assistance – we provide expert coaching and training to help you eloquently convey your entrepreneurial vision, ensuring that your pitch shines brilliantly.

Letter of Support

From the initial steps of your startup visa journey to the moment when the Letter of Support from a designated organization is secured, LeanZiX is your steadfast companion. We guide you through every phase of the process, ensuring your entrepreneurial dream becomes a reality.

Comprehensive Business Setup

From business registration and brand identity design to website development and social media presence, LeanZiX handles all aspects of your startup's establishment. We ensure a seamless and efficient process, so you can focus on your core business activities.

Product & Business Development

At LeanZiX, our support extends into the crucial stages of product development and market integration, vital for the peer review process of the Canadian Startup Visa Program. We assist in honing your go-to-market strategies and product evolution, ensuring your startup demonstrates the continuous progress necessary for both meeting program requirements and achieving significant market presence. Our team is dedicated to guiding you through every step, making sure your business aligns with the program’s criteria and is well-prepared for the peer review, paving the way for your venture’s success in Canada.

Ready for a Personalized Discussion?

The process is easy!


Start with a quick form

Simply click the ‘Get Started’ button and answer a few brief questions to begin.


Schedule Your Consultation

After submitting the form, you’ll receive a link to book a 30-minute virtual coffee chat with our team, where we’ll discuss your personalized journey to Canada through startup visa program. 


Embark on your Path

During our chat, we’ll explore how to secure a letter of support and turn your aspirations for Canadian residency into reality, all while ensuring the process remains cost-effective.

Don't hesitate, Your Canadian journey begins with a simple conversation. Let us guide you through each step.

Don't hesitate, Your Canadian journey begins with a simple conversation. Let us guide you through each step.

Venture Capital Funds

Professional groups that manage pooled funds from many investors to invest in start-ups and small businesses. They usually come in when you have a proven business model and are looking to scale, not in the very early stages of your business.

Minimum Required Investment: $200,0000

Angel Investors

Typically, individual investors or groups of individuals provide capital for a business start-up, usually in exchange for convertible debt or ownership equity. In the startup context, an “angel” investor similarly acts as a guardian or saviour, providing funding during the risky early stages.

Minimum Required Investment: $75,000

Business Incubators

Organizations geared toward speeding up the growth and success of start-ups and early-stage companies. They often offer workspaces, mentorship, and sometimes initial funding.

Minimum Required Investment: Zero

Designated Organizations

Venture Capital Funds

Angel Investors

Business Incubators


Professional groups that manage pooled funds from many investors to invest in start-ups and small businesses. They usually come in when you have a proven business model and are looking to scale, not in the very early stages of your business.

Typically, individual investors or groups of individuals provide capital for a business start-up, usually in exchange for convertible debt or ownership equity. In the startup context, an “angel” investor similarly acts as a guardian or saviour, providing funding during the risky early stages.

Organizations geared toward speeding up the growth and success of start-ups and early-stage companies. They often offer workspaces, mentorship, and sometimes initial funding.

Minimum Required Investment




Proof of funds - SUV Work Permit